Sally in the treehouse

Sally, sometimes accompanied by Emily or Sage, has been working at painting the tree house over the last  year. Here she is on a beautiful Sunday evening, one of the first to get a bit cool, proudly atop her handiwork.

We just had the advisory board meeting for our Math Science Partnership. Jim Lewis, Glenda Lappan, and Glenn Stevens spent a day with us, and, needless to say had lots of advice, which is, after all, what an advisory board is for.

I feel that I’ve got a better grip on my class for prospective high school teachers this year. I’m pushing harder on the mathematics content, and trying to give them extended projects that will really dig into what’s behind the high school mathematics that they teach.

The week after next I am gone on a multi-city trip, from Belhingham Washington to Kansas City to Philadelphia, culminating with Andrew’s wedding in New York. The algebra book is due October 1, and I am trying hard to make the deadline, so may end up spending the entire weekend in New York in a hotel room (apart from the wedding events).

Hackberry fruit

This fall the hackberry bushes are covered with fruit, probably because of all the rains we’ve had. They are everywhere … this bush is the one just north of Camino a Los Vientos on the east side (around 6:30 this morning). Later in the walk, on the way back, I saw a glossy black Phainopepla with bright red eye atop the orange berries and glossy green leaves of a hackberry … perfect. Also a Cooper’s Hawk, with the red-brown edge of its shoulder feathers glowing nicely in the morning sun. Autumn is in the air in a slight cooling in the morning and most especially in the different angle of the sun’s rays.

Leaf-cutter ants have been busy. I don’t remember seeing them so active at this time of year, but perhaps that is also a result of the rains. The trails have a different color when they are the dark green leaves of the creosote bush, or the funny black shriveled buds of I don’t know what, instead of the yellow and pale green of the paloverde in spring.

The Devil’s Claw of a couple of weeks ago have now shriveled to the dry black claws that given them their name.